Tenbury Wells Surgery

Clee Hill Branch Surgery

Tenbury Wells Surgery appointments

If you need to see or speak to a Doctor/Clinician, please telephone our reception team on 01584 810343. 

It is always advisable to pre-book appointments in advance. This can be done by telephoning the surgery, going into reception or booking online (you can only book online if you have registered – please talk to a member of reception staff for further information).  Please be aware all telephone appointments will take place later than the time stated.

Please be aware post-natal mother & baby checks should be booked by calling the surgery as these appointments have specific allocated slots.

Seeing the Duty Doctor

If you have an urgent problem and cannot wait for a routine appointment please telephone the surgery as soon as possible where you will be seen by the Duty Doctor.

The Duty Doctor also sees patients at Tenbury Hospital and necessary home visits, therefore you may have to wait a little longer to be seen if the doctor is out on hospital visits or house calls.

All appointments are usually 10 minutes long. If you need more than 10 minutes please inform the receptionist when you book your appointment.

Seeing the Practice Nurse

Our Healthcare Assistant (HCA) and Practice Nurses are available each day for booked appointments.

In order to schedule our nursing appointments efficiently can you please tell the receptionist how long you may need. For example, some patients simply require a quick injection but others need a complex dressing change.

If you wish to see the Practice Nurse please call reception to book an appointment. 

Date published: 19th July, 2022
Date last updated: 29th November, 2022