Tenbury Wells Surgery

Clee Hill Branch Surgery

General Data Protection & New Shared Care Record

New Shared Care Record delivering better, safer care for all our patients

We wanted to let you know that we are finally connecting our systems to offer joined-up health and care records, which will enable better, safer care and treatment for all our patients.

As a GP, it is difficult to provide joined-up care with so many separate systems for handling patient information. These were not connected, meaning that you often had to repeat your story each time you received care at a different organisation, or with a different health professional. The Shared Care Record means up-to-date records will be immediately available to professionals caring for you as a patient, when you need direct care.

It will mean, for instance, a doctor in a hospital, or a paramedic who attends a 999 call will be able to confidentially access the same crucial information that we can at the Practice, such as details of any allergies and current medications, bringing potentially life-saving benefits.

Robust security measures are in place to protect your health information and all staff must follow the law on keeping your information confidential.

The Shared Care Record is not the same as the General Practice Data for Planning and Research Directions (GPDPR), which is a national NHS Digital initiative to use GP practice data for research and planning purposes.

The Shared Care Record is a local initiative to share information with organisations directly involved in your care to ensure that you receive prompt and appropriate treatment when you need it.

For more information, please visit: https://herefordshireandworcestershireccg.nhs.uk/health-services/shared-care-record

Shared Care Privacy Policy

Information Sharing Databases used by Herefordshire and Worcestershire General Practices

The local NHS has been working hard behind the scenes on the health and social care computer systems for Herefordshire & Worcestershire. We will soon start using a local: ‘Shared Care Record’ which will allow staff who are looking after you to view the records of other providers. This will enable GPs to see your hospital records. Similarly, the hospital will be able to see your GP records, and, where appropriate, the community and social care teams will be able to view details as well. This should make joined-up care easier to deliver.

Alongside this in the news recently there have been separate discussions about sharing records for research and planning purposes, which is a totally separate system. I thought it best to put down on paper the current situation, the differences and where to find out more about the different systems in place.

Summary Care Records (SCR): Direct Patient Care

For some years this national system has been in place – it is an electronic record of important information, such as allergies and current medication, created from your GP record. It can be seen and used by staff in other areas of the health and social care system involved in your care.

To find out more click on https://digital.nhs.uk/services/summary-care-records-scr or call NHS Digital on 0300 303 5678. Patients have the right to object but would need to complete a Summary Care Record form. This system works well when you are on holiday in England, so a local Emergency Department could see your basic GP information and allergies if you needed treatment.

Herefordshire & Worcestershire Shared Care Record: Direct Patient Care

This new Shared Care Record (ShCR) allows health and social care professionals who are involved in your direct care to see relevant information about you at the point of care. This system will improve safety for patients, reduce the number of times patients and carers have to repeat information and past illnesses, and help the Emergency Departments and on-call services provide joined-up care. The Shared Care Record will allow more detailed information to be viewed than the Summary Care Record.

To find out more click call 0345 646 1163 or click on: https://herefordshireandworcestershireccg.nhs.uk/health-services/shared-care-record

Patients have the right to object to but would need to complete a Shared Care Record right to object form.

General Practice Data for Planning and Research (GPDPR)

NHS Digital currently collects, analyses, publishes and shares data collected nationally from GP practices for planning and research. For 10 years this information has been collected via the General Practice Extraction Service, however, this will soon be replaced by the GPDPR system and no start date has been agreed yet.

To find out more click on https://digital.nhs.uk/data-and-information/data-collections-and-data-sets/data-collections/general-practice-data-for-planning-and-research

If you choose to opt out of this, there are currently two separate opt outs which are slightly different. There are Type 1 Opt-outs, which started in 2013. This prevents the data extraction from GP practices and the form is kept on the GP patient record. It prevents GPs sharing your data with NHS Digital.


The newer National Data Opt-out is held centrally and prevents NHS Digital sharing your patient data with anyone else for purposes beyond your own care. This would also prevent NHS Digital from sharing hospital information and other non-GP information. To find out more click https://www.nhs.uk/your-nhs-data-matters/ or ring 0300 303 5678

I hope this short summary is helpful. We have more information on the CCG and practice website. Also, the national websites described already have: ‘Frequently asked questions’ sections which I found helpful.

Also please access the following document regarding the new rules governing privacy from 25th May 2018.

Generic GP GDPR Privacy Notice

How we use your information

We aim to update this part of our website regularly when new information becomes available.

The Practice Data Protection Officer is

Hayley Gidman

Midlands and Lancashire Commissioning Support Unit, Heron House, 120 Grove Road, Fenton, Stoke-on-Trent, ST4 4LX

E-mail: mlcsu.dpo@nhs.net

Telephone: 01782 872648

About the General Practice Data for Planning and Research data collection

Information regarding this can be found by clicking on the following link.


Patients that wish to opt out need to complete the on-line form found in the document above and ALSO need to complete the form below and return this to the surgery.

A scanned signed document sent by email will be acceptable otherwise please post or bring to the surgery in person.

Opt Out Form

Youtube Video

Date published: 18th July, 2022
Date last updated: 19th July, 2022