About our PPG

We are always keen to hear the views of patients and those that use our surgery. We currently have a “virtual” patient group that from time to time we email out news and ask for opinions on things.

What are the Aims of the Group?

  • Promote co-operation between the practice and patients to the benefit of both;
  • Promote collaborative working of the Practice and the patients;
  • A forum for patients to understand issues affecting the healthcare services, making it easier for patients to understand why things are done in a certain way;
  • An opportunity to raise awareness of new services through the PPG members;
  • To provide a link between the Practice staff and the patient population’s views;
  • To share best practice and good ideas which might enhance the well-being of patients and staff.
  • Feed into the wider Public and Patient Engagement structure.

What are the Objectives of the Group?

  • Help patients complete written surveys particularly patients who may have sensory or other disabilities;
  • To review the surveys and the feedback obtained making suggestions for areas of improvement;
  • To organise and develop local surveys with patient input; to obtain views of our service users to help us improve our services;
  • Develop and produce a directory for patients of local self care support groups;
  • Review and improve the Practice leaflet annually;
  • Input and improve the Practice website and the specific PRG page on the website;
  • Publicise initiatives such as the message in a bottle scheme or the ICE telephone number (In Case of Emergency)
  • Increase awareness of national IT programmes such as Patient Access and Summary Care Records;
  • Work with other volunteer services;
  • Network with other PRG’s to influence decisions about how any savings from Commissioners can be reinvested to improve health care.

If you are interested in joining the group please email SOWOCCG.TenburySurgery@nhs.net or complete our online form here.